What to expect during your first Hypnosis session
Hypnotherapy sessions maybe held in a plethora of places including medical centres, doctor’s surgeries, private clinics or offices, holistic therapy centres, and the therapists homes. Our sessions are held in either a medical centre or private home. As there are a multitude therapists out there finding their location may help you make a selection, depending on where you would feel more comfortable being hypnotised.
The room will usually contains a comfy chair for yourself, which reclines, and a footstool to rest your feet. Your hypnotherapist will sit in another chair not to far away from you and usually turned towards you.
Firstly, you are usually offered a drink and will be asked to fill out a personal information/medical form and a short questionnaire on your life. This is not too intrusive and is to make sure all your medical health is not affected by anything which may take place during hypnosis and provides background information, such as age, to help build later hypnosis sessions specific to you.
The session then begins. The hypnotherapist will ask you why you would like hypnosis. Most people come with a very specific issue in mind such as hypnosis for weight loss, or hypnosis to stop smoking. But if you are not totally sure, such as an issue related to confidence, the hypnotherapist will help you define the problem exactly. A discussion will help to build up a profile of you and your problem along with the questionnaire you filled in. This will take up a large portion of your first session.
Usually a persons problem will can be broken down into a three or four specific areas, and the hypnotherapist will need to design a specific hypnosis session for each of these, which will be spread over several weeks, one session will not do. This and the topic of each session should be discussed with you before you agree to the plan designed for you. Therefore, you will be need a course of probably three or more hypnosis sessions designed specifically for you, based on areas you and the hypnotherapist have agreed – not just one session.
Next, you will then be given a short general hypnosis session. This is not too specific for you and short as the discussion to define your problem will have taken some time. It involves you lying back in your comfy chair and closing your eyes, while the hypnotherapist talks to you. First, concentrating on breathing and letting the body and mind fall into a deep state of relaxation, secondly, listening to the hypnotist describe physical imagery to guide your brain to imagine such things as walking down through a forest or across a beach. Towards the end suggestions will be made for you to help you to help with your problem. You are allowed move round in your chair during the session to make yourself conformable and if you fall asleep that’s fine too.
To close down the session you will then be asked to wake up on the count of ten. You will roughly be at the appointment altogether for an hour to an hour and a half.